Re: treasury money vs. Fed Res money
Worry not, Grasshopper...when they change us all over to digital, everything will be just fine.
They'll control everything. When you go to buy a Big Mac, or any food, they'll have your health records, including your weight, and if your records do not comport with the bug dinners you just purchased...they'll deny the purchase. They'll charge you a fee for checking your purchase with your health record, call it a Medical Wellness Check, and fine you for the blasphemy of trying to beat the system. If you get caught swapping a grasshopper salad for a preying mantis stew...whoa talking about a reaming.
You'll be living in a godvernment provided 15 minute city with no need for a car or the use of gasoline. No LNG for your stove or heating so they'll deduct whatever amount you would have been spending on that and provide you with an appropriate number of buffalo chips required to stay just barely above freezing.
They have so much planned for you...the least of your worries will be red seal bills vs whatever.