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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Trump to surrender Thursday
In Response To: Trump to surrender Thursday ()

93 year old mother passed away the 8th of this month. Out comes the will. Turns out whichever attorney did the will didn't do it properly, considered an invalid will, so essentially Ma died intestate(without a will). Different process to proceed through probate requiring an attorney, preferable a probate attorney.

Lawyer shopping we go. 250 to 350 an hour to buy these hucksters and this is for an attorney in a growing but still backwater town. One wanted 350 per hour and 250 for his assistant. Really? As in all professions there are varying degrees of competence which dictates pay...but 600 dollars an hour for probate work. I could maybe see that for someone's estate who has millions or billions in assets.

Found this 32 years old woman lawyer for 250 and hour...she works for a firm that has offices directly across the street from the probate court. Sweet. Little gorl has a cush gig.

Make sure your will is in proper working condition so things move smoothly upon your departure. Save your family the grief.

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Trump to surrender Thursday
Re: Trump to surrender Thursday