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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Gnats vs fruit flies...

Every year we get infested with gnats. Gnat's is what I call em but I've been told they're fruit flies...whatever, it's easier to say and spell gnats. They seem to ride in on banana's in the late spring and torment us until the first frost.

you see all over the net various methods of killing them...bowl, sugar water with a dab of soap mixed in...bowl covered with plastic wrap with small holes poked in it. That does work to an extent. I have those sticky fly strips that coil down from the ceiling or something. All with varying degrees of success.

We've tried all manner of concoctions to trap the little bastards but here lately, the Woman, decided to poor beer into the plastic wrapped bowl. Just beer. Seems the little banana bombers love themselves some beer. Sot's, drunks, alcoholics, boozers they are.

inebriated on the nectar of the god's...they drown...or maybe the alcohol permeates their outer layers and kills them...who knows...who cares?

The beer trapped over a hundred of them in a few days...best results, by far.