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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

NC mountain people are coming

down to the Piedmont to get supplies, now.

Many people have generators and well water is common up there in the rural areas and everyone is sharing with others they have never met before.

Churches and private citizens are taking essentials up there.

Rechargable (sp) flashlights are no good to them because there is no power. They need battery operated ones, therefore. WMT is sold out of flashlights in my store. WMT sent 50+ semi trucks loaded with merchandise to help (videos on-line). WMT mobilized faster than FEMA and did more than FEMA.

So, this is going to take a long time but everyone is ready to help on the local level. Up in the rural areas "everyone" has excavators, plows, etc. and have already used their private resources to clear roads, fill in areas with gravel, etc..It's really remarkable how much has been done by the locals.Can't say the same for .gov..