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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Thanksgiving... *LINK*

A petty thing to be thankful for when there are so many real things to be thankful for is the last election. Not that I think Trump is a savior although I hope he wins me over 100%. Throw the IRS and income taxes down the toilet...that would go a long way toward winning me over. I don't expect the deep state to go quietly into that good night. They'll fight, scream, and kill to keep their precious power. To hell you will go for worshipping power and I'll grease the slide for you.

I was driving somewhere a few days after the election and I took a deep breath finding myself less stressed. Daring to hope for a better path for the country with much the young voters giving me the most hope in their turning away from the evil that has been ruining this country. Maybe they can do better than we were able to do.

America...freedom to fascism: a movie about there not being a law stating we had to pay taxes. Alas, there is none. How could there be, after all. An income tax enslaves a person for whatever portion of their income they steal from that individual. You pay 40% of your income to the government you become 40% a slave simply because you worked 40% of your time for nothing at point of a gun.

Freedom is only regained by the slave who breaks the chains that bind them.

Happy Thanksgiving people.