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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Atrium County machine vote vs hand count...

If it was a circumstantial murder case...somebody would be going to jail. As a circumstantial vote fraud case...it was stolen.

I go back to the original sin to convict...people not authorized to change the laws by which the elections are to be run, that power belonging solely to the States legislatures, changed the way the elections were run. That, in my mind, is a violation of law and should invalidate, if not all, at least some portions of the votes that were gathered under the illegally changed laws. End of story. Trump won on election day.

There's so much more that happened after that, that the results are in high question.

It's one of those...who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?

That they fight the investigation tooth and nail...yea...that's a thing, too.