I sense some sarcasm in your comments and I would like to clarify my remarks that I think most would agree with.
1st of all this is an excellent forum and the Trading Resources you provide are more than a free site should offer without a doubt and anyone would be hard pressed to provide more with no membership fees. And I don't doubt you spend countless hours 7 days per week dealing with things most of us will never realize. I have also been self employed for 35 years and understand what type of commitment that is. But I also learned along the way that I was not that great at being chief,cook and bottle washer and realized there were other people that were far better at some things to do with my business than I ever could be. No one can do everything themselves exceptionally well. Some types of things I no longer consider doing as others can do them better with less anxiety for me. So I get others to do the few tasks I'm not that well suited for. Some things are just not in my nature to do well. That was my point in saying you could sub that part of the business out. Or if you had an employee all the time anyways delegate that authority to that person. My comments were not a smart ass comment regarding the quality of your site as I think you are implying but a suggestion that perhaps that is one aspect of a forum that might be better served by someone who isn't as considerate and tolerant. Simply deleting attack posts would make most everyone who posts here and lurks here as well happy. That is a simple fact if you wish to take a poll on it you will see that. Perhaps that's a good idea. This is the only aspect of your site that isn't top notch and seems to fall off the wagon all the time. Nothing to do with smarter, wiser or more experienced. Just someone who is firmer and less tolerant when it comes to attack posts. I can do almost everything in my business extremely well but there are a few things I just don't do well at and get others to look after those aspects of my business. And they aren't any wiser, smarter or more experienced than me. Just better at some things. It's about that simple really. No sarcasm was intended on my post..........