Hi Ceejay,
Thanks !! Now this is all starting to come together and make sense !!!
As I said before, I considered trading Ng "dangerous" and I didn't understand much of the market. Always noticed the large price changes on that Thurs. report and never managed to make sense of it, and likely didn't try enough.
So, Thank you for bearing with this exchange, I appreciate it and things are starting to come together !!!
The notion that production is fairly constant over the shorter term makes a lot of sense to me. I was floundering on some of the terminology as well.
Can we establish at this point:
That all Ng produced goes into "storage" (ignoring that which may be consumed getting it there) and that all gas consumed "comes out of the storage sites" ???
And that "Net Injection" == production minus consumption. i.e. if positive, production(supply) exceeded consumption(demand) for the period(week). ??
And that "Net Injection" == "the change in storage" == the "so called build number" ??
I quit here until we confirm/establish the above 3 points.
Thanks, Lee