According to Sam Stovall who monitors historic trends in the S&P500 the 3rd year of a presidential cycle is the strongest in this 4 year cycle and tends to produce a 17% gain on the year. The 4th year (2012) then tends to be strong as well. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT "IF" the 3rd year (2011) has less than a 8.5% gain on the year the 4th year has a -10% loss on the year. This has occurred 5 of the last 6 times seen. This 2011 year is completely flat on the year so theory has it the SPX will lose another 10% in 2012 from start to finish. Something to keep in mind when told the Presidential election year is bullish and to load the boat. Also years ending in 2 often end a bear market from what I have seen. And years ending in 1, 2, and 3 tend to be economically bearish as well historically. On a more bullish note Doug Kass that is touted as a super guru claims 2012 is going see 'record highs' in the SPX. So try digesting all that without puking,LOL.......................