Hi Rabbit,
Hang in there !!!
As for recent trading, maybe you are just as well off being flat for a bit !!??
On Ng ....???? For the short term ... I cast my vote for Ng price remaining above 2.3 and below 2.4 through NgJ expiration and the J options expiry on 3/27. Will cause max. damage and likely TJC will be happy if still holding the 2.3 call he mentioned a bit ago as will bring that back ITM.
i still subscribe to the thought that Production remains too high and the storage issue has yet to be resolved.
I hope they don't solve the problem by "roasting you out of Texas" this summer !!!!
- Storage injections already began this week and that in itself doesn't bode well for Ng price.
On Mf Global: I read the Reuters article.
- Thankfully, I'm not a Lawyer, but if O'brien pleads the fifth, it doesn't ring well with me !!!
IF she BY ACCIDENT, transferred from the wrong account to JPMorgan/Chase, maybe they wouldn't give it back !!!??? It appears they had a claim on some money. I doubt the "black hats and beards" at Chase would volunteer to give it back if they thought they could hang on to it.
Maybe by pleading the 5th she hopes another "smoking gun" will surface and she won't be forced to become the "RAT" under questioning ???
Anyway, you just don't lose 1.6 bil. or what ever the number is these days !!!!!
Good Luck, and keep in touch,