"Private Equitey Firm", as opposed to investment banking firm. One is on the sell side, one is on the buy side.
Little difference. However, allow me to change/qualify my statement ... You CLAIM to head a private equity firm?
Yeah, and I am the rightful heir to the throne of the British Isles.
Tou may deign to "check your facts", as Fiat's final offer to purchase the remaining Treasury shares (more than likely to be accepted) will result in a minimum loss of 1.5 billion dollars to the taxpayers.
So, if Chrysler and General Motors had gone through a bankruptcy, wherein secured creditors and bondholders weren't stiffed, what would be the difference other than a lack of union ownership?
So, Private Equity (ROFL - "for sure", your moniker speaks volumes) principal, I urge you to check your facts.