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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Dinesh D`Souza/Insider
In Response To: Re: Dinesh D`Souza/Insider ()

I am concerned youj disagree, Why?

The why I don't care is that many Democratic and Indepant voters of Obama in the last election have openly expressed their disappointment, and many changing of parties by politicians who share in the Dream for America.. rather the the Dreams from Obama's Father.

Many voters drank the kool-aide and loved to hear someone like Obama promise hope and change... millions wanted change and hoped he would be the one. However they have seen the lack of leadership and lack of experience to unite OUR Country. 23 million out of work and he plays golf and goes on lavish family vacations. Downsizes OUR military strenght while other countries ramp up. Block oil production, and the Canadian pipeline while lending OURtax dollars to other Countiries to expand their porduction. Tax dollar we DO NOT have to lend for that purpose.,

Bottom line I really don't care what you believe.. it is your choice. I am to happy about the ones who have had their eyes opened by his failed policies and broken champiagn promises.. In spite of a controlled media.

I am sure you know Van Jones, and Valerie Garrett. I am sure you know OUR tax dollars pay for her 24 hour security, plus you surely know background, and her influence over Obama, You know and probaly do not care but many of us do,,, to bad about their fight to keep voter fraud as their hole card,.. You probaly don't understand the need to show ID to vote... especially if you vote many times.

I am suprisingly happy.. I hear voice on all sides of the isle united in their voice. Minus Van Jones, valerie garrett, Axalrod, Harry Ried,Cl;intons, nancy pelosi.. of course they are already grooming Hiliary for the next election (Obama wins Hilary runs/ Obama loses Hilary runs) . I doubt Hilary will even show up for the convention..

Welcome to our fellow Americans Democratic and Independent