Thanks, you are far too kind. I'm not actually from this planet and don't really understand humanoids but I'm not ready to leave earth just yet. But these markets are defying everything and gyrating all over the place. If you check other message boards you will typically see a deserted message board with few posters left. One site I used to check used to have anywhere from 100 to 300 posts per day. Now there is maybe 20. Why? With the erratic markets plunging and soaring with gaps for a wide variety of b.s. reasons these traders have all stepped on financial land mines and being it only takes one big one and their accounts have been blown up and they are out of the game. Not a coincidence all has gone quiet on these sites. Now Japan has started a currency war with a race to the bottom with other countries that export. Markets will continue to react to the currency wars along with political comments, threats and other b.s. reports. And being I don't owe a dime to anyone and am retired and doing ok I don't have to play any game I don't wish to play without the odds on my side. So I'll pick my trades selectively when the odds are in my favour. Meanwhile I'll continue to renovate myself which is going very well over the last year and a half. My plan is to get better,not older and so far so good. Hope you guys are doing well...........