Hi Limitup,
I have attached a link to a site on treasuries. About half way down on the page about right in the middle is a link to a long term chart on the 10 year note yield. In 1981 when Carter was president, and the American embassy hostages were taken in Iran it was around 15. I think the 30 year bond was a little higher back then. I was in college when the hostages were taken in Iran and remember it quite well. Now it has trended down for what, about 32 years. I don't think I would be buying bonds for the long term at this point. Notice on the chart how long it took for the rates to go up from 1962, and that is only how far this chart goes back. Now trading short term is another story. If I were in the market for a house and wanted to lock in rates long term say for 30 years, I think I would pull the trigger on the mortage. I know rates have had a bit of a pop the last couple of months, but if you want a loan for 30 years maybe this is the time.