Canaplan sugar supply estimates of 31.8 million tonnes
 Value 25/04/201415h20 Report Send by email
The consultancy Canaplan now released in Ribeirão Preto ( SP ) one of the most pessimistic for the production of sugar in the 2014/15 season in the South Central region of the country forecasts .
According to director of consulting Luiz Carlos Correa , the same mix of the past cycle is maintained, ie , the same allocation of sugar cane for the production of sugar and ethanol in the 2013/14 cycle , the amount of sugar produced is 31 8 million tons . The estimated by Canaplan volume is lower than projected by the Union of Sugar Cane Industry Association (Unica ) , 32.5 million tons .
As the Canaplan , the plants of the region should grind 540 million tons of cane sugar this season , well below the 580 million tons projected this week by Unica .
The production of ethanol according to Canaplan will be 23.5 billion liters in the season 2014/15 .
In the medium term the sugar will be the best financial asset.
The True Centro Studi