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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Ronbo - Silver ALMOST a 7-10 pattern

You make a lot of good points here - I agree - the world is shifting beneath our feet.
There is no reason why Silver cannot plunge into the abyss - back to $ 12.00, possibly lower....

It would be a real bonus if it fell back to those levels - would make you out to be a real hero - call you the "The Silver Sage from Siberia"!!! LOL

I am long the USD and agree that it could go to 1.20.

As a Canadian - my loonie is headed to the funny farm - at least I can make it up by longing the USD.

Many Cannuck friends are in the south right now - wailing and grinding their teeth over the fall of the loonie. No Montana's Steak House for them - it's mac and cheese with leftovers.... *sob*