In commercial construction, it's quite the deal .. or at least it was when there were still union shops.
OK, commercial drywall .. don't ask me why .. but that's carpenter's union. Normally, at least in the seventies it was steel stud. So, the journeyman would make his measurments, cut to size .. and get to work. Chop saws always in a central location (remember .. for union, the carpenter cannot furnish their own power tools .. hand tools only) ...
So, they cut up their stack for the run ... and start carrying them over ... HUGE thug comes up and starts reading them the riot act ... I mean ... a labor supervisor talking down to a journeyman? Well .. that's the way it goes. The laborer's union member is supposed to carry the steel and move the drywall over to the work area ..
You could explain that you've been standing there, doing nothing, for thirty minutes waiting .. and you needed to get on with work. No excuse .. NOT your job and your taking food off of the table of a laborer.
Local labor union, around here, used to recruit from the state pen.
Guess what .. they were all .. bet you can guess .. left wingnut fascist democrat party members.