Well...here we go. Trump says he'll work with the dems on tax reform if the conservatives don't bow down to his leftest ways. This is why I was always on the fence with Trump and this whole thing with the AHCA may have been used to set this part up. The AHCA was liked by 17% of the people yet the blame for it's defeat is cast upon the conservatives. I can't work with them, they won't bend to my leftest ways so now I have to play with the Dems...but in order to get their votes I'll have to "give a little". Meaning I'll have to move to the left.
And...I never heard trump say anything about a BAT until after the election. maybe I wasn't listening hard enough. Their going to offer up a middle class tax cut and then add a border tax. Yea...great idea. Whack-a-mole tax cuts.
"Priebus said Trump was not backing off his view that the tax reform bill needed a border tax. He also said that the measure would include a middle class tax cut that he said might help to attract votes from moderate Democrats."
Here's what Chuck the Phuck Schumer said...
"Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer criticized Trump over his handling of the healthcare bill and said Republicans would face roadblocks from conservatives on other issues. “They’re going to repeat the same mistake they made on Trumpcare with tax reform,” Schumer told ABC’s “This Week.”
He urged Trump to go a different path: reject the Freedom Caucus and work with Democrats.
“If he changes, he could have a different presidency,” Schumer said. “He’s going to have to tell them he can’t work with them and we’ll certainly look at his proposals. But it’s going to be guided on our values.”
If he and the Rino's do this...might as well say Phuck it cause nothing will change except to the left and to think it was going to change, I guess was foolish.