Re: Home Depot panics over.. lol ! *link
You wanna do it?
I have done it. The carpentry stuff anyway. I never worked for anyone but my Dad and that was more like a collaboration than a job. My mind doesn't work in "get a job" mode, it works in "make a job" mode. As I used to tell people J-O-B sounds to much like S-O-B, to me.
I especially would never work in a union shop. You want what from me...due's? I'll show you due's. I'm due that money. Unions are the bane of the free market. Eventually they get around to killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.
Also, not everybody doesn't not care about quality workmanship. When I started remodeling years ago I moved into the "rich" neighborhood because I did quality work. An interior designer saw some work I thing I knew I was covered up in rich people work. Passed around like a cheap whore, was I.
Knew a guy worked in a machine shop for many thing you know he drives up in a 1 ton flat bed loaded up with welding equipment. Where'd ya get that. Been saving so I could go out on my own. He made butt loads of money. While he worked at the machine shop he made a comfortable living but wanted more. He gained experience while working the "lessor" job, then went out on his own to capitalize on it.
Besides...not every body is geared to go to college and then sit behind a desk till they die.
You paint too pessimistic a picture of the trades. There's abundant good work out there for those willing to do it.
Ran into an old fella once, back when I owned my sweeper truck company, he asked me what I did...I told him...he says, and I'll never forget this...ahh...there's gold in the gutters for those willing to bend over and pick it up. I thought that was profound but also thought...yea, but there's much more gold for the guy who owns the truck and tells five others to bend over and pick the gold out of the gutter and hand it to me. hahaha