HAHA no there was no moose around that I could see and I don't think the squirrel had a leather helmet, either. For as dumbfounded at the sight as we were...it could have. I do remember thinking as it jumped...what the hell is he doing. There were no other branches around to jump to...it just jumped. I thought it was committing suicide.
Yea...it was just down the road a ways. I've spent some serious time in the woods and that was the only flying squirrel I ever saw.
Of course...calling it a flying squirrel is a bit of an exaggeration because it wasn't "flying" per se...it was gliding. Cool none the less.
In your original post was that a typo about killing 89 coons? If not...that's a chit load of coons.
We were camping out on a lake island once that was covered up in coons. I had the opportunity to watch them for a long while and was amazed at the agility of those things. As big as they are I would have never guessed they were that agile.