Intense humidity in NYC... *LINK*
"There’ll be highs in the 90s on Monday and Tuesday but it’ll actually feel like a muggy 100 degrees or more,
warned Accuweather meteorologist Dan Pydynowski."
Seriously? Nowhere in the article does it actually mention what the humidity level is or is going to be.
We are the kings of humidity down here in the particular, Middle TN. We are regularly 2-5 points or more than on the coast. A few months back it was unbearable, even by our standards. In Middle TN we live in what's called the Central basin and are surrounded by what's called the Highland Rim. There can be as much as 600 feet of elevation difference between the rim and the basin. As a result of living in a "bowl", everything settles into the bowl...pollen, allergens, humidity, and generally speaking there is no wind to blow it out. Could be part of the reason I suffer so with my sinuses.
You have to drive "up" in any direction you go out of Nashville. Once on top of the Rim there is noticeable improvement. Most notably...wind.
So...cry me a river NYC. Unless you make it to humidity levels of +90% and stay there for weeks on end, something we will never learn from this article, you have nothing to complain about.
You could move down here where the welcome signs along the road ways into the basin should read...Welcome to HELL! :-))