If Mike wants to be like Zuckerberg and impose their will , sure..I guess I'll be gone from here then.
I've had no problems telling FB what I felt when they deleted a post of a Led Zep song from the Houses of the Holy LP from Utube, saying 'nudity' cos of the
album cover on the video..no bikini gals , nothing..a static album cover.
I told them to FO as it was 'art', and that they have self created artificial community standards, which is BS.
It's like owning an ISP but wanting to dictate to people which website they can or cannot go to.
Here is a public forum, and there's Soul expression in human form of every variety.
Didn't realize they want to make this an AntiFA site.
It is how it is. I'll try and kilter it, but who knows what 'offends' liberals nowadays? Everything, apparently.