You know how "they" say... *LINK*
You know how "they" say chit always goes down in Kalifornication first. If Kalifornication does it first it'll happen in the rest of the country.
Well, I just wonder how long it'll be before someone or some someone's goes to cleaning out the government by force out there. The clowns the have in office now, especially that joke of a governor, are running that place to dirt...and a communist hellhole to boot.
Check out this story about how they lied to the peeps about the gas tax. Linked below.
Then there's this one...allowing illegal immigrants(hope NY doesn't fine me for saying illegal immigrant) to serve on state level boards...paid!
I imagine there's not enough peeps left in Commifornication to put up a good fight as they have all left or have plans to...but one or two well placed swats with the wiffle bat might work wonders.