Neil, one hell of an actor by the way, also ranted and raved about a belly market (August bellies), I believe it was 1991, maybe '92. There would be nothing but gnashing of teeth and wailing ... as there was to be biggest short squeeze in history.
At that time, I was somewhat "heavily" short (over twenty-five caks). I know that some other's opinion on the market is to be avoided. But, it was in my face several times a day. It was starting to get to me. Especially after one limit bid day.
The very next day .... limit offer AND limit offer the next three days. No expanded limits, on the Merc, in those days. But, two bucks a day .... it was a nice profit.
When Neil was still living on the Left Coast, we'd phone each other two or three times a week. I NEVER let him forget about it.
When he returned to Chitcongo as a playwright and actor, I lost track of him.
He speaks Hanguk Mal (Korean language) fluently, with a Pusan accent. When he was in the military, he was one of those that listen in 24/7 to the airwaves .... making certain that no nasty North Korean bombers make it across the 38th parallel. I can only handle "street Korean" ... How to ask minor directions, HOPEFULLY how to follow them. How to read street signs, order a beer and a brand of cigarettes and how to locate a public restroom. But, if some native South Korean spoke to him, over the phone ... they'd just think that he was from Pusan.
My time in the Land of the Morning Calm ... I had a driver who doubled as my translator. So, I was somewhat envious of his language abilities.
He's quite the Renaissance Man.