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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Tennessee - Ole Miss
In Response To: Tennessee - Ole Miss ()

Yea...TN v Ole Miss...the coach of the Ole Miss team, who's name I refuse to say, is a piece of chit! Just as TN would get their tempo game running...miraculously down would go an Ole Miss player with a fake injury...just to slow the game down. Even the announcers were bad mouthing that. That little stunt got worse as the game looked as if TN would pull off the win. Only a cheater and low life scum sicking a-hole would condone...nah...have his team practise that mauver. What? Did they send them to acting class? What a monumentally colossal a-hole.

That's not even to delve into the referees and their calls.

Before you think I'm a disgruntled diehard TN fan, which I am, we've had thirty years of losing. We can lose with the best of them. Plenty of practice...plenty. But, when we see cheating and bad ref-ing...we have no tolerance for losing like that. We can take a drubbing with the best of them and we've never acted out in the fashion displayed at that game.

There was a reason and I don't blame the peeps for tossing stuff onto the field and at the cheater.

They should have been throwing bricks.

The cheater coach of Ole Miss should be barred from ever setting foot on a football field again...he obviously has no respect for the game, the players, or himself.

Go Dawgs!

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Tennessee - Ole Miss
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