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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Tennessee - Ole Miss
In Response To: Re: Tennessee - Ole Miss ()

Somewhere around when I was 13 we lived in memphis for the third time. Sometime before that we lived in Memphis for the second time. I can't really remember the first time but the second time we lived not far from Graceland. Went by there frequently. Never got to see Elvis there but it was Graceland. A big deal, even back then.

A few days after Elvis died, which was a shock to the system, I remember exactly where I was...I went to the barber shop...the hair stylist...they called themselves when they wanted extra money. I had seen pictures of Elvis there on previous trips. Pictures that you just don't get everywhere. Somebody knew Elvis from that shop. So naturally, the topic of his passing came up. The dude who was doing the cutting and half owner of the shop started talking about Elvis. When I showed interest he started pulling Elvis memorabilia out of the woodwork. The Pièce de résistance was a, worn on stage, jumpsuit. The cutters mom knew Elvis.

Recon what one of those jumpsuits would be worth.

I've never been one of those who got into music much. I hear a song and I categorize it as...I like that song ot I don't like that song and I go about my day. I don't suspect I know the artist of more than a handful of songs. I know the big name people and bands but put song and group together...can't do it. No interest.

Elvis, on the other hand, his voice is unmistakable and you'd have to have been dead over the last 50-60 years to not know his stuff. Except, I don't think my Dad could tell Elvis from Cher! Old man didn't have time for stuff like that.

Elvis wasn't forboden at our house but my Mom and Dad held Elvis up to much poke funnery. I think it was his movies that caused that. Maybe, rightfully so.

But...I always liked Elvis. Whatever that says about me.

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