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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Alec Baldwin

I have not heard how a gun loaded with blanks could kill a person. I DID hear that there were support people walking off the set before the event . Is it possible that someone put real bullets in some guns thinking they would making a statement?

Cops are very tight lipped. I think they might be thinking they have a murder, not an accidental shooting.

Bought an EC call today. Adds to my Swiss. This market likes to set tone the first week of the year (so, a January is fine). I am thinking up into the new year. Then fail. I don't think precious is due to run to extreme new highs, yet. Not even in the next 5 years. Perhaps even 10. But, a brief interlude of HOPE would bring out the roosters' crowing into year end setting up a crush (like they always do) for the rest of 2022..

Dang, I am trying to buy some ammo for my son-in-law for Christmas and stock flows in and out like water. Never exactly what I am searching for. More skeet loads out there than hunting loads. And even those skeet loads become scarce. Everything seems to be "target loads" with little high brass available.. I noticed a fair amount of new guns for sale, though. Mostly low end, but still....it's an improvement.

I planted late this year into large containers. My Thai hot peppers are still green. I just moved them into the tool room and installed an LED grow light. I figure in a month I can harvest red peppers and put the lawn mower back where it belongs. Or, maybe, I should try to grow tomatoes this winter, again.....life is fun, sometimes. Sometimes, a squirrel eats all of your tomato plants. tree rats....deer are no better...

But, so far, I have not died that I am aware of. There's that.

Go Dawgs