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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: .gov help
In Response To: .gov help ()

The GODvernment giveth and the GODvernment taketh away.

Tonight, Communist Joe is supposed to get up and dictate his plans for the unvaxxed. I won't be surprised if the final solution is not implemented against the unclean when in fact some hospitals are reporting that upwards of 97% of the people going into the hospitals of late are fully vaxxed.

Communist Joe has said it will be a dark and deadly winter for the unvaxxed...the unclean...as it's become known when in fact it's the noncompliant that they are after. I've said for 40 years that these people would, at the first chance they thought they could get by with it, put us in the ovens. If you doubt that you are blind...worse...willfully blind.

They may not think they can necessarily get by with it but they for sure think they better try for fear of being permanently cast out of the political powers structure. Trump and more importantly people who voted for Trump scared them to the point they think they have to make their move or be forever flushed down the pervebal chithole of politics with all their communists ideas. That makes them tremendously dangerous. That makes for a tremendously dangerous time. They will not cede power and all they have done to turn this country into a communist state. They had rather die as to see that happen and we should have the cojones to help them down that path.

I'd wish y'all a Merry Christmas but I'm afraid it's going to be anything but...so...do the best you can and I wish you the best.

I could be wrong and hope I am...

Time will tell...

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.gov help
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