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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: .gov help
In Response To: .gov help ()

I doubt if your landlord raised your rent, due to any stimulus check. More than likely a property tax hike, due to new government assessment(s).

I have one property (worse case) that went from around three thousand per year up to Nine Thousand U.S. Yankee Greenback Dollars. If I would have raised the rent accorningly, I would have to push it up around five hundred dollars, per month, just to cover the increase. I raised it less than two hundred .... which makes me a fifty-fifty partner with the local municipality and county. Half the rent goes, even now, to property taxes.

Two others went from around three to a tad over six, per property. Many tenants don't quite grasp that I don't want to rent a property for simply the tax. There are thiousands, in maintenance, each year ..... They want to blame a greedy landlord, but when they see the property tax increase, they kind of understand.

Nothing would make me happier than to roll the rents back, if the property taxes were commensurately rolled back.l

On the Medicare COLA, I now a few people that have a smaller check ... a 5% raise in their SS payements, but a 14% raise in their Part B premium.

If inflation is 5%, why raise Part B by 14%? Blame it on Covid, right?

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