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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Mask required...

Hard to believe some places are still requiring masks. Vanderbilt University Hospital is one such place. Vanderbilt has an extension of their eye clinic out here in our little town...so the older people they serve don't have to drive all the way into Nashville. Even out here in "no mask" land, the eye clinic is requiring mask.

The Woman and I set up an appointment to have our eye's checked at Vanderbilt here in town. Been going there for years. This morning was our appointment.

Well...let me put this out there or what I said to them will make no sense. Vanderbilt, the hospital, was found out to have been doing those body transformation surgeries for people who want to become the opposite sex from which they were born. That's fine for an adult...if your sex kinkiness runs into the loping off of body parts arena...fine...chop away. Vandy was doing it to underage children. From an audio recording from some higher up at Vandy...because it makes good money.

So...we go to the eye clinic...there are "mask Required" signs everywhere. We roll up to the front desk and I see the lady behind the desk reaching for the mask they give out to people like us. She held them out to us and says you have to put these on. I stood there for a few seconds just staring at her and then said...we don't wear masks. She said...you have to. I repeated myself...we don't wear mask. She was stunned into inaction or speech for a moment...then says...we have to...again, I say...we don't wear mask, the CDC has said they're harmful to your health and they don't work. The lady next to her said...We go by Vanderbilt rules not the CDC.

I looked at her and said...that doesn't mean I have to just because some child mutilating Nazi downtown says so.

So...we left. Came home and set up an appointment with another group. I told them we usually go to Vanderbilt eye but they kicked us out for not wearing a mask. I didn't even get the full sentence out when the girl overrode me with...we don't do that silliness here.

Kinda regret not getting in to see the Vandy peeps cause, like everything else they do, they're good even when it comes to mutilating children. But hey...we'll see how these new people are.

I feel better about standing my ground than giving in to their dictatorial edicts. F em.