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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Mask required...Child Mutilating Nazi's... *LINK*
In Response To: Mask required... ()

I'd like to think it was because I called them Child Mutilating Nazi's at the Vanderbilt eye clinic is the why they stopped this evil procedure but I'm sure it was because people with way more clout than I, who has none.

A collaborative effort, I am sure. Each little pressure point adding up until the last straw broke the Nazi's back.

Vandy ceases and desists these vial child mutilations.

"The Vanderbilt Pediatric Gender Clinic has agreed to pause all gender transition surgeries on minors, according to a letter from the clinic to a Tennessee lawmaker obtained by The Daily Wire.

Vanderbilt also told the lawmakers that it would protect conscientious objectors who work at the facility and don’t want to take part in the controversial treatments.

“We are pausing gender affirmation surgeries on patients under 18 while we complete this review, which may take several months,” the letter says. The clinic says they have done about five such “gender-affirming surgical procedures per year” since clinic opened in 2018."
