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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Pols have gone on another vacation *PIC*

"The volatility came to me, but the wrong way direction."

Well, that aint likely the first or the last time that's going to happen to a body. 😁

I was looking at the yeller medal and sorta came to the conclusion that it's in a big ole range type critter from 210 down to 165 with the center being near the 180 mark in price.
180 also being the last major closing high from ten years ago.

There's a long term trendline shooting through there at 1800 at the vertical line of 540 months from the last really major low on my chart of 101.25 in 9-76. 540 months being
45 years.

Those are some pretty major league numbers in Gann land and, if one is into such things, might lead one to consider them the reason for the long term
range price has been on around 1800. If not the reason, at least they might make some good markers from which to trade, possibly.

If nothing else it makes for a purdy chart but not a chart that in any way could compare to one of Spikes masterpiece charts. 😁