Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

Soybeans : Critical Point 1105.1 *LINK*
Re: Soybeans : Critical Point 1105.1
The Bullion Report For December 21, 2011 *PIC*
Unleaded Gas: Puts looking already :) *LINK*
Unleaded Gas: Sell. Sell, Those Put Options :)
Re: Entering on the night markets
MF Global/JPMorgan Chase *LINK*
Entering on the night markets
Existing-home sales
ECB to lend euro-area banks 489 billion euros *PIC*
Crude Oil *PIC*
DJIA : Critical Point 12276 *LINK*
Lawsuits *LINK*
Re: POT/Lee
Re: POT/icd/Lee (NTR)
Silver/Gold Ratio Chart/Still a Sick Puppy *PIC*
Re: Silver/Gold Ratio Chart/Still a Sick Puppy
Re: Silver/Gold Ratio Chart/Still a Sick Puppy *PIC*
Re: Silver/Gold Ratio Chart/Still a Sic Pup/Trades
Nov. housing starts up 9.3% to 685,000 annual rate
The Sugar Rat is Bouncing off Support *PIC*
Gold Stock ETF: At Channel Top Resistance *PIC*
Re: Gold Stock ETF: At Channel Top Resist/Trades
Re: Gold Stock ETF: At Channel Top Resist/Lee *PIC*
Re: Gold Stock ETF: At Channel Top Resistance
Re: Gold Stock ETF: At Channel Top Resistance/Hal *PIC*
Re: Gold Stock ETF: Channel Top Resistance/Trades
Re: Gold Stock ETF: Channel Top Resistance/Hal *PIC*
Nat Gas. : Next week think the 2.90 area *LINK*
Fibonacci Retracement Levels *LINK* *PIC*
A Market Review and Opinion Report For Dec 18,2011 *PIC*
7-10 rules
Re: 7-10 rules
Re: 7-10 rules - LOL!! *NM*
Re: 7-10 rules $$$$$ ROCK $$$$$ *NM*
MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution/Rabbit
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution #2 /Rabbit
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution/Rabbit
Re: MF Global 3rd Distribution/Rabbit
Re: Ganns way - stocks
The Financials Review For the week of Dec 19, 2011 *PIC*
If Santa likes to gamble on NG ...
Unleaded Gas: Sell. Sell, Those Put Options :)
ECB's Draghi: no doubts about strength of euro * *PIC*
Draghi warns of costs of European breakup * *PIC*
Gold - This is the Week! *LINK* *PIC*
Re: Gold - This is the Week!
Re: Gold - This is the Week!....Ronbo
Re: Gold - This is the Week!....Hal
Re: Gold - This is the Week!....Hal/Ronbo
Re: Gold - This is the Week!....Hal/Ronbo/Trades
Re: Gold - This is the Week!..#2 Hal/Ronbo/Trades
Re: Gold - This is the Week!..#2 Hal/Ronbo/Lee *PIC*
Re: Gold - This is the Week!..#2 Hal/Ronbo/Trades
Re: Gold - This is the Week!....Lee *PIC*
Re: Gold - This is the Week!....Lee/Hal
Breakaway gap in Beans *NM*
Good morning all :) *LINK*
Re: Good morning all :)
Re: Good morning all :) - Doc *LINK*
Weather Dec 26th-Jan 02
Re: Weather Dec 26th-Jan 02/CJ