Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Message Index

Current Market Conditions
China inflation rises more than expected in Feb.
Re: March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters
Re: March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters
Re: March 19 'Supermoon' Trigger Natural Disasters
Desire + Work (Method) = Success
ETF link
Silver (SI) : Critical Point 33.388
EUR/USD : Critical Point 1.3668
Re: ETF Question/Trades/rabbit/Thanks *NM*
Re: grains , all in one state... on DX/lee
Re: ETF Question/Trades/rabbit
Nice trade in gold Lee! *NM*
Market Pick Up Date 3 / 10
ETF Question/Trades
Nat Gas sell 3.800 *NM*
Re: buy NattyG & sell CrudeOil, the Ronbo spread
Natural gas drops further after EIA supply report *PIC*
Oil prices fall as China data spurs demand concern
U.S. trade gap widens sharply in Jan.
U.S. applications for jobless benefits jump 26,000
Re: CC at support , breaking/CRB / James *PIC*
Today's Market View - Grains and Meats/Wheat USD
Rollover Day Pivot Points *PIC*
oat family *NM* *PIC*
cute , family of oats looking over cliff *NM* *PIC*
Re:...note on DX/James/Lee/James *PIC*
Re:...note on DX/James/Lee/James
Re: PIMCO Dumps US Debt/ sharkattack
Re:...note on DX/James/Lee
buy NattyG & sell CrudeOil, the Ronbo spread *PIC*
kiwi *NM* *PIC*
a herd of kiwi *NM* *PIC*
Re: grains , all in one state....note on DX/James
Re: grains , all in one state....note on DX- lol *NM*
grains , all in one state....note on DX *PIC*
CC at support , breaking / trades
PL,PA,HG all breaking.....
Re: PIMCO Dumps US Debt/ sharkattack
July Wheat sell 7804
Re: Dx, Ec Et. al. ??/Lee/Trades
Re: Dx, Ec Et. al. ??/Lee/
Re: Dx, Ec Et. al. ??/Lee/Trades
Chinese Trade Data
Re: Good one Wayne
Re: example of Gann's discoveries
PIMCO Dumps US Debt *PIC*
example of Gann's discoveries
Market Pick 3 / 10
Best watch Oats too *NM* *PIC*
Re: Copper in trouble/James
Re: Rice is not looking good - James
Re: Rice is not looking good - James
Copper in trouble *PIC*
Rice is not looking good *PIC*
Euro Dollar Minimum Fluctuation
Crude pares gains after EIA report shows increase *PIC*
Canadian dollar hits highest since November 2007 *PIC*
Coffee: Up Up as called :) *NM*
Today's Market View - Grains and Meats
Pivot Point Magic *PIC*
Best Times, Worst of Times for T-Bonds (Part 2)
Re: Dx, Ec Update/Lee/Trades
Re: Dx, Ec Et. al. ??/Lee/Trades
Re: Dx, Ec Et. al. ??/Lee *PIC*
Dx, Ec Et. al. ??/Trades
Major Grains /Lee/Wayne
Re: The Defective Parrot. /Lee/Wayne
Hang Seng Index : Critical Point 23974
API reports larger-than-expected oil supply rise
Re: The Defective Parrot. /Lee/Wayne
Re: The Defective Parrot. A little risque ntr/Wayn
Re: TRADES, Randolf & Ronbo on NatGas, UPik
Re: TRADES, Randolf & Ronbo on NatGas, UPik
Key Levels, Finding The Perfect Trade
Re: TRADES, Randolf & Ronbo on NatGas, UPik *PIC*
OPEC lifting oil output to cool pricing: reports *PIC*
Short term temperature forecast
Re: TRADES, Randolf & Ronbo on NatGas, UPik
Today's Market View - Grains and Meats
TRADES, Randolf & Ronbo on NatGas, UPik
Best of Time, the Worst of Times for T-bonds
Re: Trades...nat.gas weekly chart?/Hal
Re: Trades...nat.gas weekly chart?/Trades
Consumer credit rises for fourth month in a row
Re: Test - Hi David
Re: Weekly trading system
Chart test on Crude Oil *PIC*
Re: Trades...nat.gas weekly chart? ECA
Re: Test - Hi David
Re: Test - Hi David
Test again ...
Re: Ronbo...nat.gas weekly chart? ECA
EURUSD Tags the Top of the Pipe / Plus Chart of th *PIC*
Re: Ronbo...nat.gas weekly chart? ECA *PIC*
Re: Trades...nat.gas weekly chart? *PIC*
Re: Trades...nat.gas weekly chart?/Ronbo *PIC*
Re: DX at long term support?/Winseer
Trades...nat.gas weekly chart?
Re: DX at long term support?/Winseer
Market Pick Up Date 3 / 07
Raging Pivot Point to Pivot Point Battle *PIC*
Re: DX at long term support?/trades
Fed's Lockhart doubts firms can raise prices
Fed's Fisher: May vote to curtail QE2 before June
Re: DX at long term support?
Today's Market View - Grains and Meats
Weekly trading system
DX at long term support?