Hi Limitup,
Interesting that this has come up ??
I have a couple of old versions of Linux, Redhat was one, with the intention of getting a Linux machine up early on (maybe 10 years ago) but always bumped into time constraints and would set it aside !!
Used early Unix in the early days when it popped out of Bell Labs.
Code was C from the original K&R bible of the day !!
It looked like UNIX was going to become THE OS of the computer world until AT&T did their normal "monopolistic greed" thing and ruined it, as they do with everything they get their greedy little paws on !!!! The rest is history .....
What is winblows ???
Seems most trading platforms require Windows OS with JAVA support.
So, what is the interest in all of this beyond a person that only has a Linux box and wants to trade ??
Not fluent in VmWare either, so I guess that fits in here somewhere ??
Thanks, Lee