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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Sept Nat Gas/ Still not breakig down/Trades

Hi Trades,
Thanks for the chart/comments !
Sorry, I just went back to this chart tonight (Sun) and realized I had messed up my post back to you and didn't fix it.

Thurs. went pretty well for Ng - kept tagging 2.9 - 2.91 but never managed to break through !!

I at least caught a good chunk of that run up after the report before it wore it's self out !!!!

I think there may be a good chance of breaking 2.91 on Thurs. unless there is a "suprise" in the report. If Price approches 3.15 will be happy, but don't think it will go much further if it even gets that far.

So far it's holding 2.8 ish pretty well and the chart is pretty clear but there is enough going on out there that could bring it down through 2.71 and on south !!! So, I'm not very confident in either direction right now.

Hope all is going well
Thanks, Lee