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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Trades: Proust or Mccarthy?/Andrew
In Response To: Trades: Proust or Mccarthy? ()

I'm doing just fine. No problems to speak of. I met an American that had immigrated to B.C. awhile back. He loves it here and says the teacher's pay here is the same for a starting teacher as the many years experienced pay he received in the U.S. And the benefits and pension etc are overwhelming here. Then again Canadians are the highest taxed society in the industrialized world. Corporations here are the lowest or 2nd lowest taxed in the industrialized world. Most Canadians don't complain much about taxes as we know everything must be paid for one way or the other so no sense in trying to avoid it. It takes money to run a country. As far as Bards (ancient famous poets etc) go I don't read much of that stuff but it has historical importance and is amazing stuff if you get into it. And Proust was a weird cat and I find it amazing with his history he could produce a classic work of art that society is impressed with today. It was re-written a few times by other translators etc so perhaps the quality of his work was enhanced by these later novelists and re-writers. But I'm certainly no expert on any of his work. Just not deep enough I guess,lol..... Good luck with your teaching career.

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Trades: Proust or Mccarthy?
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Re: Trades: Proust or Mccarthy?/Andrew
you have it better, no republicans at least