First of all, thank you Monsieur ceejay for your ever dependable, consistent, comprehensive and most of all, understandable weather survey. You write with NG in mind as related to temperature influence. Might you please comment on OJ given that we are entering winter frost potential. Seasonally, OJ futures should have begun building in a frost scare premium already, starting a month ago and peaking in late November, early December. As of yet, nothing. Has this typical seasonal price rise simply been delayed or postponed altogether?
You mention Florida "will definitely be cooler than average" and that a "very strong cold front" will extend all the way to central Texas. Would this constitute sufficient grounds for apprehension and concern for citrus crop? And might it signal the beginning of a seasonal price appreciation that is now a month 'overdue'? Currently, both supply and demand aspects are bearish, perhaps suppressing any bullish seasonal tendency this year.