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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Weather November 19-26th, OJ?

Hi OTD and thanks for the kind comments. As I don't follow OJ, I don't know much about the market nor it vulnerabilities, weather-wise. However, any period of temperatures below 32 I guess would be risky, although probably a few degrees more..28 perhaps...would really be a problem. Maybe you could let me know. This week Houston and points south are unlikely to go below freezing, although during the nights of the 13-14 and 14-15 it may come close just outside of the city. Temperatures at Brownsville are unlikely to go below 58F this week.

Next week, ensembles suggest daytime highs at Jacksonville will average around 66, lows 50, although there's a small chance of lows near 40F. So temperatures will run 7 or 8 degrees below normal. Like usual, it will be warmer (but still below normal) further south. So citrus seems safe.

Cheers, CJ

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Weather November 19-26th
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Re: Weather November 19-26th/CJ