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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Book Release: The Secret To Trading/Trout

Sorry Trades,

You can always print out the book. Kindles for desk tops and laptops are actually free. You get a free one when you buy a book on kindle -- the tablets are what cost money. The free version is pretty cool actually. Like a library on your computer. And when your eyes are bad like mine, you can make the font as big as you need. Plus my next of kin will appreicate that when they have to clean out my house when I"m gone they only have a flash drive in the drawer instead of having to box up and get rid of a bunch of books.

That book is the goods though. I just had a call about going w/ a hardcover, but I need to call them back. FedEx is all for hardcovers but I"m afraid they're going the way of buggy whips, trading floors, and the American mark-up. Most defiinitely people in emerging economies like kindle too because eBooks are so much more affordable.