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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Profitable Trading: Living Under a Bridge

Living Under a Bridge. Never an offense for your opinion my friend. :)

You still do your own charts/? Now, that's a lot of work! But, the trade off is that you become "in tune" with the market, you see/feel the rhythm...I do it in an other way/format but it comes to about the same as you.....then I know if there's a trade there for me, or no......

I agree with you, in that, every person, every trader has his/her own way of seeing and managing their trade.
It's very difficult to convey how you see the markets and how you are able to "extract profit in a consistent basis" by just typing few lines and expect every reader to understand the point you are trying to make. The subject of trading is as huge as the market itself, and as huge as the trader's cognition (Now try to explain that one! LOL) and again, we are trying to cover the two, as clear as we can by typing few lines.

Living Under a Bridge. You mentioned about talking to the guys/gals at the front desk. I do that too and find it very valuable, bc it comes a time when you really need to get out of a jam and they work wonderfully for you "if they know you". So is the night desk, they look after my positions if I ask them to. Most brokers have great people ready to help you when you need it, cost is no an issue for me do to their excellent service.

Living Under a Bridge, Thank you for sharing the way you see with us.

