That reminds me, CO.
The way to begin to think like a computer is to count. Count days, weeks, months, years.....
From where? Start where?
Almost anywhere is the answer.
As an example, in silver market, noticed in the early 80's that if you count the number of days from a holiday starting with Thanksgiving....the early January counts from a holiday (used to be a blank space on your bar chart) will produce market turns at the same count. Ex.: 8 days from a holiday blank bar.
May still work...may work in more than silver....who knows....just trying to advance any traders who are interested in TIME faster than of charge, naturally. Have not looked at this in decades. It's a teaching tool.
a trader requires confidence in his work to implement any strategy. This is the second attribute of a good trader...after he has mastered analysis. Or, rather, acquired tools that work more often than not. Tools for your bag. That are yours that you do not tell the world about. Secrets. If you tell, they will be used against you....but, you can call markets...preferably not ahead of time, but, rather, AT THE TIME....after the play is already on motion....