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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Trout
In Response To: Re: Trout ()

"I'm going to smack that fish hard in the haid with my cane!"

I have a friend who lives out in Oregon. They fish a lot and catch some biggies so I turned them a couple of fish haid smacking sticks out of a wood called Osage Orange(bodock, hedge apple, Bois de arc). This wood is fish haid smacking hard and I made them to be 30 inches long so that they don't have to bend over too much to dispatch the fish with said stick cause they be old like us. Not chair lift old, but old.

Don't know about your theory of the bots and Trouts system being a Johnny come lately as the major tenant is based on Charles Dow's theory of market movement retracement with some discussion about old man Fibonacci thrown in. Those are truly some old dudes. You don't think a Master Ganner, like myself, would fall for some Johnny come lately voodoo do-do do you?

I like that old time voodoo do-do...today's voodoo aint got the same soul... :-))

Midnight, huh? I aint seen midnight in a coons age.