I bought an old beater parking lot sweeper truck one day. Rebuilt the truck motor, rebuilt the suck engine, patched the holes in the suck tank. Went out and genned up some business. Started sucking. Sucked so much I needed another suck truck. When I managed to save enough money...after paying dearly into the welfare state...I purchased another truck, then another, then another, then another, and another.
You think I drove all those truck at once by myself. No duffchit. I hired people to run the trucks. Then I hired people to mow the lawns of the buildings where I had suck contracts, Then I hired people to do lite maintenance on the building where I had the suck and lawn contracts.
I owed nobody nothing because I took my hard earned dollar bills, just like Trump and everybody else in business, and grew the business. When I sold out I was the second largest sweeper truck company in Nashville and by default Middle, TN.
You think business people just sit on their money. Yea, sometimes we get enough to invest and make money off the money but we usually take that money and start another business. Oh wait, I did that too. I start polishing linoleum floors in places like Revco drugs stores. When I finished with that one...I was one of the bigger companies in town doing that. Did I do it all by myself, No dumbass, I hired people.
Do you think Trump, goes to all those golf courses and motels...mows the lawns, serves the drinks turns the sheets down on all those hotels?
Use you brain or shut up.