Re: ICD will love this budget proposal...
I have Humana Gold Plus and it is the most well-liked plan in this area. They deduct about $135 from my SS deposit each month to have it.
My Family Care Physician has no co-pay if I go. An annual physical is free including blood work. If he prescribes something I think it costs $10. A visit to a specialist has a $35 co-pay.$90 co-pay for emergency room. There is some dental and vision benefits that I have not explored, as yet.
I am happy with it. But, there are always the bad things that can run up your costs so a poor person may not be able to afford treatment and have a choice then of filing bankruptcy or dying by choice.
The system we have now is thoroughly broken if you are a decent person. A crook or mooch, on the other hand, has many ways to game the system. The important thing to remember is we paid for it and it is not an entitlement. Same for SS. Certain types of people like to say 50% of the people don't pay Federal income tax like they are living free. I call BS. Poor people pay Social Security $15.3% (which sweeps into the general fund just like Federal Income Taxes) , car taxes and fees, sales taxes, rainwater run-off fees...on and on until their effective tax rates are way yonder more than what a large earner pays.
I gave the crooked right a try last cycle and got more of what I will no longer stand for. This time I'm swinging with the left because, if you can't beat them, you're a fool not to join them.
Because so much has been taken by the few, much will be taken from them. They believe that once they have it all they will go "we will fix this" and then only give a level playing field. However, they will not want to give back what was stolen over the preceding decades.
The Earth provides enough for everyone. Some just want to hoard way more than their share and call it "just." After all, poor people are just lazy and everyone can be a millionaire if they just work hard. That whopper is told everyday by some unenlightened folks.
Ah, well, I'm just the average guy and that is how I can see where we are going. I am a walking inflection point. If it changes for me, it has already changed for a lot of folks and the rest will be along in short order.
The "Capitalism" we have seen was not capitalism. Just like the "Socialism" they are telling us to fear is not real socialism. They are just words used to lead and confuse.
Here's another problem with SS. In each family, if a child is lucky, there is at least one nurturer who meets the child's emotional needs (dressing, homework, love, field trips, positive outlook, ..on and on). What happens is that when it comes to retire, that nurturer has sacrificed wages over a long period and gets much less SS while the other spouse gets much more (not having had to do those other things) in retirement (and G** forgive if there was a divorce). What does this say about what we value in this country? ....The same person who spouts "work hard and make as much as you can" is the same good fellow who says "The kids today are so defective". Do you see a problem here? I do. It is no wonder we are all going bat $hit crazy trying to balance our mental states.
and I'm just getting started.
I need to send in some of these thoughts to Bernie.