Busted laptop...
10-15 years ago I got into building desktop computers in a successful effort to help one of the nephs learn about the things. I learned, too.
It was interesting and fun.
Then the laptops came out and I switched to them. When I get a new one The Woman gets my hand-me-downs. Her screen just went out. I thought I would take it apart to see if, maybe, the ribbon that hooks to the video card might have some loose. Of course, no such luck that it would have been that simple.
The Neph sends me the deconstruction planes. On first look it looked like a horror show but as I got into it...pretty simple. You can take one of these things apart with little else than a phillips and slot screw driver(or in my case a knife blade)...after that it's a snap together affair.
Fear not the laptop. 😎