Yep...the bigger the denominator gets as the numerator increasing at a slower rate...the smaller the percentage gets. Noooooo....what do you mean, if you know a person dies and they're the only one you know who had the virus the death rate is 100%. If you test 100 more people and no more die...the percentage drops to 1%. Amazing how that works. It's also amazing that most people probably don't have a clue as to how fractions work...they can put a condom on a banana but work a fraction out...fagetaboutit.
So here appear to be the numbers:
4.06% March 8 (22 deaths of 541 cases)
3.69% March 9 (26 of 704)
3.01% March 10 (30 of 994)
2.95% March 11 (38 of 1,295)
2.52% March 12 (42 of 1,695)
2.27% March 13 (49 of 2,247)
1.93% March 14 (57 of 2,954)
1.84% March 15 (68 of 3,680)
1.6% March 17 (116 of 7,301)
1.4% March 19 (161 of 11,329)
1.25% March 20 (237 of 18,845)
The thing we will never know...if we had have done nothing vs what we have would those numbers have worked out? We'll never know if it was always just a normal Flu like death rate had we done nothing at all.
To me it looks as if the media and WHO have sensationalized this for whatever purpose...oh yea...for the purpose of trying to cost Trump the election.