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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: support and resistance
In Response To: support and resistance ()

In his book...How to make profits in commodities...I think it was called...he goes through all the patterns we commonly use today as technical traders, if that's what we are. Double tops and bottoms, etc. I had read and re-read that book many times(but not through and through) when I was going through the charts that came with the "course" I bought for a grand back in the late eighties. A soybean chart I'm thinking it was. It was marked up with lines hither and yon and there...low and behold, it was, the direct chart that went with one of his talk throughs of some of the patterns but mostly the 50% rule. That was an exciting find at the time.

Later, after many more readings of that book and the course, of course...that book became what I started calling...practical Gann. There became, in my mind, what I called Practical Gann and Esoteric Gann. Esoteric Gann being ascribed to his way of looking at stuff mostly by others. The Great W.D. Scammers, who made more than half the money in the world. You know who he is...the guy and or gals who make money off from Ganns name...who probably never traded or successfully traded using Gann and the people seeking fame and fortune by being the smartest person in the world who got Gann's goose of golden egg fame...also another Great W. D. Scam.

Do you remember how this place used to go into wailing and gnashing of teeth mode at the mere mention of his name. I still laugh about that. I got many days of laughter from coming in here and firing off a missive about Gann just to get it going. Too funny and way too easy. 🤣

I didn't realize you were into Gann...Maybe I should ask if you would like to have my treatise on Gann before I send it to you? I wouldn't want to corrupt your way of viewing the man or your search through Gann that you may, like I did/do, find to be something of an adventure.