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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: support and resistance
In Response To: Re: support and resistance ()

A thousand is the number that is binging around in my head but it could have been six??? I wouldn't bet a penny on being right at either price. LOL

I also can't remember if Billy was dead before or after I bought mine but it was close either way. I know I never spoke to him but did speak to his wife...wat was her name? Nikki? a time or two. She seemed like a nice person.

I see there is a new offering from whomever owns the material now...a coffee course written by someone for the low, low price of 3, 364 buckaroonies! Writing my check as we speak...it's only 88 pages with butt loads of charts...some of them electronic charts. Whooo...can't wait. You'd think they'd make the price one of Gann's numbers like 3,375.00 or what the hell...go for the gusto 4,500. After all, there's only going to be 100 copies. A collectors edition for the ages!