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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: support and resistance
In Response To: Re: support and resistance ()

What used to amuse me was people referencing a 1x1, say on beans, that was not a penny per day. They'd simply toss up a 45 degree angle, no matter what the grid, and call it a 1x1.

Then, there was the "Gann Wheel Man", who, following a bearish pig crop report, where everyone was calling for two days (plus) of limit ask. On his little chat site, he said that the wheel was in conjuction with the square of nine and that the hog market would be at limit down. Seriously, over thirty of his/her/its acolytes were on this board raving about his "miraculous call". It was magic. TOO forkin' funny.

Look at Gann's basics. When first viewing your chart, divide the range into eights and then thirds. Buying, or selling 2/3rds retracements made me a lot of money.

Billy Jones got a grand out of you? I bought when the time was right and it was only six hundy (1980-81 timeframe). He did gig me on the wheel but, heck it was fun to spin.

I knew a guy that hated to take losses. When the market would break one of his magic wheel points, he would break out in a sweat and start spinning the wheel looking for the next point..... where he KNEW it would hold. The Wheel. The Wheel. The Magic Wheel.

He was a square of nine and square of twelve trader. He was born rich for a living. By the time his square of nine and square of twelve trading days were over, so was he. No longer rich for a living.